May 6, 2014

Baptism Card

This weekend I was in need of a quick baptism card. And when I say quick I mean it was the morning of and I still had to get the kids (and myself) ready for church too! Luckily I had designed Declan's baptism thank you cards in MDS so I was able to use that as a springboard.

I added a cherry cobbler mat with a scalloped bottom to the cardfront and mounted it with dimensionals on a white card base. Then I stared at it while we ate breakfast, thinking it needed 'just a little more of something'. After I had everyone dressed I had a couple of extra minutes left, so I grabbed some ribbon and punches to dress it up. Then, for a final touch I put on a couple of pearls to make the butterfly's body and add depth to the cross. Then I finally felt it was ready :)

What baby boy wouldn't love this card :) Well, okay, so a baby boy probably won't care... but a momma sure would like it! Hope this inspires you to create a hybrid card next time you are in a time crunch too.

Flutterby again soon!

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